Today is Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day. That is to say we are remembering all of our angel furblings, no matter when they graduated to the Heavenly realms.
So we are also featuring them as selfies. All four of them.
We also send our hugs and purrs and licks to all those furmilies who are sad as they remember their angel furs too. We know there are many who have recently had losses, though this does not mean that the ones who became angel long ago are any less remembered. We nevfur furget any of them and they all live on in our hearts, to be cherished, treasured and loved forevfur.
This is Simba. Second kitty in this furmily, but the furst to become an angel...
Simba |
This is Toki. He was such a clown. He adopted dog-guy as his own, MOL!He was the fourth kitty to join our clan...and the second to become an angel.
Toki |
We had our own
Groucho featured on Aug 26th, as that was his RB Day specifically. Furst kitty in this clan of six,and the furst kitty evfur fur the petcretary. Pawppy had 3 kitties before he met her...
Groucho |
And then...well, then there was Suki. A one of kind princess-diva, MOL! She thought she was the only kitty to matter, PMC! And she had a smacky paw fur kittens and pups alike, tee-hee. She knew Groucho too, and met dog-guy, but was not at all impressed with that pup. She tried to boss Toki to no avail, and later she had nothing but hisses for Pipo & Minko. In fact she even shunned the petcretary for a while after those two young-uns came into our den, MOL!
Suki |
Groucho, Suki and Toki ~ The only image of these three together. They were watching the neighbor's kitty, also a meezer called Breeze...he liked to roam and ours were jealous, MOL! |
Well, there you have our angels, thanks for stopping by today. We send purr, licks and hugs to all furmilies with precious angels to remember and treasure.
Now here we are, at least the kitty contingent:
Trying to get a good double selfie is hard...Pipo tries to do some last second grooming... |
Here, Pipo, let me wash that for you... |
That's the best we are going to do today, MOL! |
(The pinkish tinge is the reflection off the petcretary's three flags which all have a lot of red in them, esp the Canadian Flag, MOL!)
MrJackFreckles spent some time outside, the weather was mostly nice after a lot of heavy rain this week...seems like we either have too much of that commodity or not enough!
He also is the official Dirty Duds Digger in the Smoke & Joe Campaign, 2016, here is his badge:
I am offurcial in my tie! (Thanks Nellie) |
He digs up any dirty laundry of candidates, to make sure it all stays good and clean, BOL! Howevfur he is sure that Smoke & Joe will not have much dirty duds to expose...they are too sweet fur that kind of thing:)
We hope you all have a great week! Next Sunday is the middle of Labor Day Weekend...the last weekend that marks the end of 'summertime' vacation. Wow, this summer went by so fast! The petcretary not only has to work that weekend as her regular schedule, but she has to work the holiday, too as it is 'her turn'. Oh well, it means some extra $$ so maybe she will buy us some good stuff, BOL/MOL!