Sunday, March 23, 2025

Ho-Hum Selfies

 Today we are feeling's now officially spring, but with the temp at time of publishing at 24F, and it was cold and windy all day, we are not feeling it that much...though the sun was nice on our backs when we were in an inside sunpuddle. On the first official spring day, what were we greeted with?? Snow! Um, really?? 

Well then we had very high winds, and a power outage for a few hours, and lots of hard rain when the power was on again...those high winds ruined one of our wind-spinners...we think it was spun out of control, BOL!

OK, we survived it all quite well, and now the hardy little scilla plants are popping up all over the ground; (some are even blooming their little cheerful blue/purple flowers); under our weeping cherry tree, which, by the way is not feeling too springy either, all the buds are closed very tight, it will be a while before they decide to bloom. One thing that is growing well despite adverse weather is WEEDS! UGH!

Anyways we didn't see that camera thing or the phone pointed at us too much lately...ho hum, we're fine with that!! BOL!

A Chewy box came and we had a yummy bag of treats in there...

See the snow?? I want to go inside and have some of those yummy treats!

I am savoring the yumminess in this bag...
Oopsie, I guess I wasn't supposed to do that!

Sheesh, I hope he didn't drool over all of them...I prefer mine all fresh and dry.
So those are our ho hum selfies, BOL, BOL!!!
We are joining the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop! We thank the Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head for hosting this fun hop!

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Monday, March 17, 2025

Happy St Patrick's Day! 2025

Happy St Paddy's Day!!

Well,  here we are again, showing off some archived St Paddy's Day pics and art, and a few silly AI images...

Would you believe that late in the afternoon yesterday it snowed?? Sheesh! Everything was so warm and green a couple of days ago, and now its all of 28F!! Brrr! The March Lion is giving us a good shaking!

Anyways we hope you'll all have fun today, and stay safe, too. Don't put green food coloring in your local water ponds, LOL! Maybe make a green milkshake!

Its fun to see our Angels being Irish, too...

OK, there you have our St Paddy's Day post!! We think it will do well for Aww Monday, don't you?!
Click here to see all the other aww's!

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Petcretary Abandoned Us

 Yes she sure did! We watched her drag stuff to her van, and then she gave pawppy a kiss, and patted us and got in her van and drove away...for about 8787 hours...though she said it was only for one night...she went to be with a big crowd of ladies (250+) at a conference from our church. She came back yesterday in the late afternoon...and we won't leave her alone, else she might try to escape again!

Her drive back was a bit strange, she thought she was seeing fog, but it was very bad air quality from all the dust being blown about from the high winds, and sometimes she could feel the wind trying hard to push her van sideways! She was glad to get home safely!

On Friday the temp here was 77F, , Saturday was about 72, and at the time of writing this blog its 56 and pouring rain. Thankfully as yet nothing severe in the storm department, here, but some folks really got a beating, and our hearts are heavy for all the loss and damage from those storms.

We loved having the warm sunny days and now our tulips are coming up, the daffs have nice fat flowerbuds, and the snowdrops are blooming! And the weeds are feeling the need to grow big and fast...sigh...

Well, there hasn't been time to take new pictures so we're showing some out of our archives...these were taken on Feb 8th, two days before *she* broke her wrist...who'd a thunk!

I wish I was small like Dalton, so that I too could jump up and sit behind Petcretary in her office chair...I am jealous!
This is how I often sit with petcretary when she's at her desk...and Benji's too big to sit here like this...and prolly too big for her lap, too...snicker...(Benji said Grrr)

Tomorrow is St Patrick's Day, we likely will resort to oldies for that too...

Sadly, we had to send our sympathy to yet another new Angel...

Hailey (Lee) from The Hailey and Zaphod Chronicles

We've joined the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. Thanks for hosting, Kitties Blue!

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Thankful To Be Able to Cherish Angels Forever

 That seems like an odd thing to be thankful for, but truly, we all are glad that the memories we make with our animal family members, become such precious treasures to keep forever. Who wouldn't be thankful for those?

Anyways, the Rainbow Bridge admissions team has been very busy of late...far too busy in our opinion; but when they are needed, they are called upon...and then we are left with only those precious memories.

If you ever hear of an angel that you think would want a memento from us, just let us know in a comment to our latest posts, or an email if you wish.

I made these mementos for the latest new Angels that I was aware of.

Zoie, a good friend's sweet pup of The family of Xena Schnauzer Warrior Princess

Elsa from Tales around the Ranch She sure will be sorely missed by all who knew and loved her.

(I made two for Elsa, because I could not decide which image I wanted to use...sometimes I get a blockage in my brain, tee-hee!)

Audace from Grace and Company He was 19 years young!! But still very much missed.

Thankful Thursday's hosts are here.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Sunday Selfie Time!

 Here we are again, for selfies on Sunday. A favorite blog hop for us and so many others. We thank the Kitties Blue at The Cat On my Head for hosting this hop each and every week, that is a lot of work and takes dedication.  We may be woofies, but when Petcretary joined this way back in 2014, (we think it was), we were not even a part of this family we now call ours! It was MJF the dog-guy, and Pipo and Minko. And now we are carrying it on...and we think its a lot of fun! By the way, it has come to our attention that our hostess Mom Janet recently had a birthday, 🎂 and is also helping Dad Tom after he had knee replacement surgery. Happy Belated Birthday, and we send our get well wishes 🥰 to Dad Tom!

So what happened here this past week?? Not much, thankfully! We had a few warmish days and some cold ones,  buckets and buckets of rain on Wednesday, and high winds, that threatened to blow our shelterlogic shed away...but its still there! After that came lots of little ice pellets, but they were all gone by Thursday noon. At least with the cold, it was amazing that we didn't have any ice glaze. Then on Friday we had wet snow all day long, but it mostly melted...phew, no shoveling duty for petcretary who still is in her cast, at least till the end of this month, maybe longer, pending xrays and the doc's verdict. Yesterday it was bright and sunny, though a little cold. The outlook for the rest of this week is its going to warm up! Early Spring??! We hope so!

The other morning when petcretary came downstairs this is what she saw:

The lighting was terrible and full of ugly shadows, so she made it into greyscale, and it looks better.
Dalton is an avid digger, he digs incessantly before he settles down in his bed...or in this case, Benji's bed, BOL! So he had ripped through the cover and into the stuffing. That was a 50 dollar bed, sheesh. We bought two of them for MJF in his latter years. With inflation, who knows how a new one like this would hurt the pockets. Anyways *she* took the cover off, and placed a folded towel in between the cover and the pillow part, and then she placed a large bath towel over top of the whole thing...very ugly...but it works! Hopefully this 'repair' will extend the life of this comfy bed.

Petcretary and us pups as Students to Teddy's Teaser Class, were Graduated! We got a badge and a diploma! The diploma is on the sidebar, and eventually we'll put the badge there too.

Here are our selfies for this week:
Sheesh,  Dalton ruined *MY* bed?? The nerve!

Sorry, Benji, I really was just trying to make a nest in there...not like when you rip the guts out of your toys.

Sending my ear signals to those silly squirrels who tease us from up in the trees.

Leah, from Catwoods Porch Party, recently lost here beloved Moonpie, unexpectedly, likely from a aneurysm. So sad.
We made this memento to honor her memory.
We are in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop! You can join up, too, just press the link which is this caption, and you'll get there!  Thanks Kitties Blue!  And when you get there, don't forget to wish Mom Janet a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY, and encouragement as she ministers to Dad Tom, after his knee replacement surgery.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Happy Tuesday! It's Mardi Gras...aka Fat Tuesday!


We happy to join the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

We also  are feeling sad for the two recent angels who left their families for the Rainbow Bridge.
Morena ~ Her mom can be found here on instagram. You can comment there, I don't know anywhere else to send this image to...

Olivia ~ A cherished friend of Belladharma and her Mom. They recently posted about this loss, Here.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Selfie Sunday As We Wish A Happy Birthday To Dr Seuss!

 Today is Dr Seuss' Birthday, so we'll show you some fun pics in a bit...

We had all kinds of weather this past week, especially a lot of high winds. And then it got quite warmish, we had 54F on Friday! But yesterday it was only a high of 24F! Wow! Most of the snow is gone, except where it was piled up, and thankfully we didn't get the snow/freezing rain that had been predicted. SOo petcretary managed to get out there and pick up lots of doggy...well, you know! (it had been buried under all the snow...)

And now its March!! That means progress towards Spring! Some of our more sheltered daffodils are peeking through, but other than weeds, it's still way to early for anything else! Petcretary saw a robin earlier this past week...and Saturday she saw a very early to return sandhill crane!

Her wrist hardly is painful anymore, but the cast restricts her from doing a lot...she was supposed to see the ortho dude on the 4th, but that was set back to the 13th! Wow...good thing it isn't anything dire she's dealing with!

We also barked the fedex driver who left a big box at the gate...but we jumped for joy when we saw it came from Chewy! It was full of our supplements, treats and 4 more treat/food puzzles, to keep for when we master all the other ones we already have.

Hurry up and give us some of this yumminess!

Petcretary was the first commenter on the last official Tuesday Teaser Class, with Teddy and Angel Sammy.  They and the Graphics department are going to have a well deserved retirement. We'll miss this feature, but all good things eventually do have to come to an end. Next Tuesday we will all gather there to have a 'graduation' party, (And also a birthday party for Teddy at the same time...a fun combo we think!); and to reminisce about all the many years this class was held and all the various school buildings we had our classroom in...and to enjoy yummy offerings from the huge buffet of desserts put out by the cafeteria boss/manager, Ms Dingleberry!

Here are the Badges she got:

Yesterday, Petcretary was the assistant chef, (again!), at The King of Baconia's kitchen with another yummy recipe!  She got ths badge to commemorate.

Now it's time to commemorate Dr Seuss's Birthday!
Here are couple of images made first in AI, then put into Gimp to be modified...pawppy calls Artificial Intelligence nothing but Artificial Inability! Petcretary got quite frustrated by the inability of the AI program she was using, (Creative Flow), and called it Artificial Ineptness, BOL!
We think we did a much better job...BOL!
She thought the backgrounds of the original images were too disracting so she removed them and added these nice bright ones.