Sunday, December 31, 2023

Selfies On New Year's Eve!

 Happy New Year's Eve...its the last day of 2023...and soon the new year will arrive! 2024, imagine that!

Its the last Sunday Selfie of the year too!

Petcretary is working this whole holiday weekend, so our selfies are sort of repeats...the frames are new, and the images while new to the blog are from last year...

Today we have single selfies in the frames, tomorrow we'll have an ussie!

We hope you are all enjoying a great ending celebration, and we sure hope that 2024 will be filled with many blessings, and better times in our world that is in so much turmoil. We pray for peace;let it start in our own hearts so we can teach it to others.

Stay safe in all your celebrations! We love you all!!

Happy New Year!!   (soon!)

Thanks Kitties Blue! This is the link for The Sunday Selfies Blog Hop!

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Thankful Thurday ~ Benji's Fifth Gotcha Day!

We are thankful that Benji is celebrating his 5th Gotcha Day.

He came to us as a scrawny timid pup of about 6 months old...he was pulled out of a kill shelter in Texas and then brought to the shelter we got him from in Michigan. Then he blossomed in to the big boy he is now...not that he's rotund or anything like that, BOL! He's now about 30 pounds, and full of vim and vigour. His hobby s digging...though we don't really approve of that pastime, but he is trying to dig out the moles and voles. Unfortunately he makes more mess than they do, BOL!

He bonded right away with Dalton, which was exactly what Dalton the thankful is on two counts, we have a great pup in Benji, and he gives Dalton the confidence he didn't know he had. 

Its great to watch them play together and sometimes they curl up together, too.

Here is a link to the first time we let out the news of Benji coming to  be  in his forever home with us.

We all had a wonderful Christmas, the unfurbros were here, and Dalton didn't even try to take bites out of their legs like he sometimes does...though he did growl a few times...Benji was in his element, getting ear scritches and belly rubs all the time! He even jumped into laps, bidden or not, BOL!

Dalton reserved his cuddle time with petcretary or pawppy...he wasn't too sure about those other 'strange' men.

Happy Gotcha Day, Benji!

We love you!!

Thankful Thursday is here!

Petcretary is also thankful that she was the first right commenter at Teddy's Teaser Class this past Tuesday.

She got this reward for her efforts:

Now we are eagerly awaiting the coming of 2024...but it won't be a party for petcretary as she will be working all three days of the holiday weekend...that is the payoff for having Christmas off, BOL!

Monday, December 25, 2023

Happy Christmas, 2023

 The day we've been eagerly awaiting is HERE!!!

Happy Christmas to one and all!

We hope you are all having a blessed day and enjoying all the fun and festivities.

Here is the more official 'card' that we are sending out to our pals. If you got missed, forgive the petcretary, she was having an awful time with g-mail email addresses, her server won't send them out. Phooey! So she tried to transfer them over to another account, and therefore you may get missed or receive two...maybe we need to send our petcretary to email master classes, BOL!

A Happy Christmas wish to all our pals!
Later this week, its a special day again...actually more than one!! We'll fill you in later...

Here is our spark for today, a further Christmas message:

We are adding our post to Awww-Mondays as we think Chritsmas is full of awwws, and our pups are Awww-worthy too…sometimes!

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Christmas Eve Sunday Selfies


Wow,  Its Christmas Eve!!

We have to sort of apologize, petcretary has been so busy will all kinds of stuff, that she has hardly sat down at the computer for us at all, let alone for herself!  We have not been ignoring any of you, we just were unable to drop by...

She has not even had time to send out our snail-mail cards let alone our E-Card...sheesh!

We will try to catch up one of these days...

We are not having a white Christmas at all, instead its been rainy and now the thick fog is rolling in...Rudolph 🦌 may have to really shine his red nose to assist 🎅🏻 in getting that sleigh 🛷 to fly safely!

Earlier this week, pawppy told petcretary that he had found Benji's twin...from another mother...


This is Rose. A Patterdale Terrier. You can read her story HERE.

She is one lucky pup...

Here we are in our Christmas get ups!

Why did she leave that bandana on me??  GRRR!

I had on those same pj's, but they were SO baggy and I donated mine to Benji...though he was none too pawleased, BOL! Benji gave his to petcretary,, who gave them to a co-worker's dog... I bet that dog was pawleased....NOT! BOL!

Last Tuesday at Teddy's Teaser Class, petcretary was a first commenter, and she was right with her answer, but missed being first with that...anyways, she got these cool Christmas-y badges for her efforts.

OK, everyone have a great and happy rest of your Christmas Eve, and go to bed early so you can dream of all the fun that Christmas will bring...but don't ever forget the REAL reason that we are celebrating this blessed season, That is WAY more important than any Santa stuff...

We are Christmas Eve hopping along with all the others at The Cat on My Head! Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Santa Selfie And Another Ussie

 First of all, Petcretary's email server is down at the we are going to be all behind in getting our messages...or sending any to you. What a pain! No idea when it will come back up.

Anyways last week Pawppy and Petcretary went to a Christmas concert...and there was Santa!! So *she* being in a festive mood and silly as always decided to sit on his lap, BOL! Pawppy declined...

We also donned some new 'hats'...well, lets just woof that we sucumbed to the crazy lady that we call our petcretary.

Yup...we were a lot happier when the hats were removed, BOL!!

Petcretary and Santa

Wow, Christmas is just a few more days and sleeps away!

Thanks to all who sent us snail mail cards...we love them!  Us pups have way more than the peeps got, BOL!! We are only sending out cards by email this year...please be understanding...the only snail mail cards she is sending is to older relatives who don't use computers.

Last week, Petcretary was a first commenter at Teddy's Teaser Class, and she also was the first right guesser! Whoot!! These were her prize badges:

Well, now its time to wish our hosts a Happy Pre Christmas Week...and thank them for hosting this Sunday Selfie Blog hop each week! Just click on the caption under the badge to join in all the fun!

Sunday Selfies are here!

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Christmas Card & A Festive Ussie

 We are a day late with our Christmas card...but that's how it goes around here, least its only a day late, BOL!

We think she might make another one to send individually...but that will be a while...if she gets too busy maybe we'll let her send this one...

She got us 'dressed' for a photoshoot, but we were not too happy, and the light wasn't too good either, but here is one of us Ussie!

Petcretary was late to Teddy's Tuesday Teaser, but she was a right guesser, though not first with that either...oh well, its always a fun time there. If you don't maybe you should join the crowd and try to be first in class or the first one to guess correctly! This was the 'prize' she got...

We are joining up with the Selfie Sunday Blog Hop at The Cat On My Head

Saturday, December 9, 2023

In Memory of Bert


Bert, from My GBGV Life is the newest Angel at the Rainbow Bridge. 
Bert lived with a succession of dogs, four of late. He seemed to be a doggy in a kitty body, as he dealt with them. A true kitty sweetie! He will be greatly missed.
If you haven't done so you can leave your message of comfort HERE.

We are going to add this to the Caturday Saturday Art blog hop...since petcretary considers her efforts works of art...even though she doesn't manipulate the image she uses to memorialize an angel, she does a lot of other 'things' to make these mementos for their recipients.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Beginning To Look Like Christmas Selfies


One of our tabletop trees

Petcretary?? (Sitting behind her in her desk chair...)

I love you! (He climbed to the front and tried to reach up to give a kiss but the camera holder wasn't fast enough to capture that, BOL!)
I love you!

Kisses for my Pawppy! (Reminds us of when the kitties here made biscuits on us, BOL!)

This past week, Petcretary was a first commenter and a Right But Not First Guesser at the Teaser Tuesday she got these badges as her 'reward':

She had the right answer and then stopped to read about info about the location...and therefore missed being first right by a teeny minute! Dawdling didn't pay off, LOL!!

We are hopping along in Sunday Selfie 485!! Wow that is a lot of weeks!! Thanks, Kitties Blue, for being the best hosts of this favorite blog hop!

Saturday, December 2, 2023

In Memory of Olivia


 Olivia, from ColehouseCats has become an angel kitty. A precious panther, now flies in the heavenly meadows...

Please send your messages of comfort there if you have not already. I know they will appreciate them very much, in their time of sadness, and sorrow.

Since this image is artwork after a fashion, this will be posted to the Caturday Art blog hop.

Caturday Art

Thursday, November 30, 2023

In Memory of Dido



Dido, beloved kitty of Mariette & Pieter from Mariette's Back To Basics recently became a New Angel.

We hope all the wonderful memories he made in his 16+ years will comfort his family, now.

Fly Free, Dido, you are a handsome New Angel.

We are thankful for Blogville, where we can  share the burdens, sorrows and joys that we all have with our furry little ones.

Thankful Thursday

Sunday, November 26, 2023

After Thanksgiving Ussies!

 Whoa, we saw both the unfurbros and a table so full we were hoping some things might find their way to the floor...sadly, none did, BOL! But we were indulged with some yummy treats. And a lot of extra hands to pet us...well, Dalton didn't want those extra pets, at least not from the unfurs, he will accept them from petcretary and sometimes from Pawppy.

All that was on Friday...aka Black Friday...since petcretary worked on Thanksgiving Day. And she did NO shopping, even on line! Imagine that!

Here are the ussies we made, one of them was put into our Thanksgiving post image.

We often see/hear the wild turkeys around here, but not lately...they must be smart! BOL!

Hurry up and take the picture, petcretary, we are doggies, not turkeys and we don't gobble, except when we eat! BOL!

Yesterday we woofed and arrooed The Michigan Wolverines to a victory in their last game of the regular we have to do it all again next Saturday when they play for the championship of the Big Ten division of the NCAAF.


Pawppy is a Purdue University grad, so we are also going to woof for the Boilermakers to win their game next week, too. They won Saturday's game as well, Whoot!
That's all folks!!
See ya'll next time!
We are joining all the other selfie at The Cat On My Head. Its lots of fun, click on this caption and you can join up, too!