Sunday, June 26, 2022

A Rudy Guest Selfie

 A little while ago at petcretary's work, someone brought in a sweetie to see her peeps who live there where she works...her name was Rudy and she hardly sat till for a second! So the pics are no that great, but she did manage to take a selfie because she wanted to be our guest!


I am a happy pup!

I love to be a wiggly gal, BOL!

But I managed to get a good selfie for you all:)

She's a happy little gal isn't she!!

Petcretary was a firstie commenter at The Tuesday Teaser Class...and she also supplied the guest pictures ...and they stumped everyone...but some got rather close...because they thought it was somewhere along Lake Michigan, actually it was taken along the shores of Lake Ontario, near the town of Coburg. (Petcretary's cousin actually took the pictures.) 'Professor' Teddy thought it was a doozy of a humdinger!!

 So she got these two badges:
I was one of TWO First Commenters on the Teaser post of June 21, 2022….the early bird catches the worm !!

I was the Guest Teaser on the post of June 21, 2022 and I fooled everyone!!

Petcretary had to go tto thew courthouse this past Tuesday, te third try...the first two were cancelled. Sheesh. Anypaws, she was absolved from being at fault by the magistrate who heard her end of the story about the erratically driving hooray, No ticket, and no fine, which means she'll get back the deductible she paid to get her van fixed, and hopefully some of the extra cost of the car rental over which length of time she had no control.

On Friday she got her second Covid Booster (Moderna), so far other than feeling a bit fatigued and having a sore arm she's not having too many side effects. Still, phooey on that evil virus, and all its variations.


Blogville had to say a sad and unexpected goodbye to sweet little River Song, as she made a very hasty trip to the RB...and is now reunited with her furmily who were waiting there for her.

River Song From Small Tales

We are very thankful to be able to join in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop each week. The Kitties Blue are the hosts each week, and we thank them for their diligent help in setting this up every Sunday!

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Birthday Pawrty Selfie Sunday!

 Benji: Even though my birthday was June 6th...I had to wait till yesterday to have my 'funday-pawrty'...oh well, better late than never.

My Birthday gear and swag

It was better when that darn hat/crown came off...

See? I am so much more relaxed for a selfie!

Then *she* stuck it back on...phooey!

Dalton came over to help my pawrty be more fun...

He even gave me a big sloppy kiss!

My 4th Birthday was fun...well, except for the crown thingy...BOL!

Then Dalton & I had a tug of war...

I then got down to business...
Time to start the destruction of one of my prezzies...

My Official Fourth Birthday Portrait.

Last week at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser Class, petcretary was the first right guesser, though she was not in the first commenter line up...
This was the image she guessed correctly:

This is a photo of BARLIG, in the PHILIPPINES!!!   HERE is some info on this area if you’re interested in knowing more.

Petcretary knows many peeps who hail from the Philippines, including one of her uncles who was there during the second world war, so she thought to check out pictures of rice  terraces for that region.,..Bingo!
This was the badge she got for guessing correctly:
I was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser of June 7, 2022! Let’s drink to that!!

We are in the lineup of 'The Sunday Selfies'! Thanks, Kitties Blue, for being our faithful hosts each week.



Tuesday, June 7, 2022

POTP for Liittle Binky

 Little Binky has been mostly deaf for quite a while, but now she is also blind. Granny is helping her get around, but it has to be hard for Little Binky and her furmily. Please add your comforting and healing thoughts their way, HERE. 

Little Binky

Monday, June 6, 2022

Happy Fourth Birthday, Benji!


Its my birthday today...I am 4 years old!! Whoo-hoo!

Benji: Fourth Birthday, 6-6-2022

I am tail waggingly happy, and I'll have a pawrty later...with prezzies and treats! I can't wait...petcretary says she had all kinds of issues to deal with so the pawrty had to be postponed...well, I guess that will extend my fun times, right?? Maybe right into Pawppy's BD nest week, BOL!

Ya'll have a great day too!!


Birthdays sure are Awwwww-some!


Sunday, June 5, 2022

Hug Time Sunday Selfies, With a Guest, Too!

We don't have any kitties here anymore, but we thought it might be fun to dig up the hug your cat images we posted a few years ago, when we still had both Pipo & Minko. So its kind of a flashback Selfie Sunday.

We were good at hugging ourselves, too.

Minko was 'hanging', because he was trying to get away...ca2016

Three subjects and a three directional way of looking at the camera, LOL!

I miss those dudes so much...

Our Auntie was doggy-sitting for a bit and so she took some pics of Niko...

Sorry for the poor quality...Niko is a Portuguese Water Dog. He made himself right at home at our Auntie's.


We had some sadness this past week, too...      

Rick, Gattina's Husband, passed away on May 29, 2022. She used to write in My Cats and Funny Stories, but now she writes in Writer's Cramps. Rick loved his kitties, but Arthur was his heart kitty.

Luke became an Angel pup at the tender age of 8 years...He loved living the farm life at The Farm Girl's Finds

We're hopping in The Sunday Selfies, hosted as always by The Kitties Blue, at The Cat On My Head. Thanks Kitties Blue. We appreciate your dedication!!

Friday, June 3, 2022

In Memory of Luke


Luke from The Farm Girl's Finds. has recently become an Angel Pup.

You can visit his Mom's blog by clicking on the above caption.       

Precious Luke was only 8 years old, far too young...Understandably his folks are devastaed, and they could really use our comforting thoughts if you have not already done so.