Tuesday, May 31, 2022

In Memory of Rick (Gattina)



Rick, who was Gattina's husband recently passed away. He had suffered much with Parkinson's Disease and was living in a care facility for a little over a year.

Gatttina used to write in her blog, My Cats and Funny Stories, but lately she has been posting in Writer's Cramps.

I  made this memento for her in Rick's honor. 

I give her and her family much sympathy and loving thoughts at this sad time.

Monday, May 30, 2022

Memorial Day, 2022

Let us remember and thank all those who served, perhaps giving their all to help the rest of us stay free, and happy.

(We took yesterday's ussie, and made some art with it to help in the celebration.)

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Memorial Day Weekend Selfie~Ussie


USA residents are enjoying  a  holiday weekend, though...its Memorial Day tomorrow, so we are getting ready with this patriotic ussie.

Monday, May29th, 2022 is Memorial Day, a day of thoughtful and grateful remembering those who have gone on before us, esp those who gave all to keep this country free and safe.
So while traditionally it marks the beginning of summer please take time to think of the freedoms we have and enjoy them with a mindful spirit.

We, being patriotic furry ones, obliged the peeps here with our ussie in red white and blue.

We are patriotically hopping in the Sunday Selfies. We thank the Kitties Blue for hosting this blog hop each week!

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Holiday Weekend Sunday Selfies

 Petcretary is working this weekend, so we are allowing her to use some flashbacks from previous years for this Canadian Holiday, known as Victoria Day.

Maybe next weekend which is Memorial Day for the USA, maybe we'll have some new pictures and selfies. Who knows. Petcretary's agenda is already filled up, even though she is off. Go figure!

We had to say goodby to several new Angels, you can see them all HERE.

Have a great week ahead!

Happy Victoria Day!


Petcretary was both a firstie in class at Tedddy's Tuesday Teaser, and she also was the first to guess where it was! Double Firstie! Whoo-Hoo!!

I was one of FIVE First Commenters on the Teaser of May 17, 2022! FAST AND FURIOUS!!

The beach in the distance at Cadiz, Andalucía, Spain

I was a DOUBLE FIRSTIE on the Teaser Post of May 17, 2022! I was one of FIVE FIRST COMMENTERS AND I was also the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER….lucky me!


We thank the Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head for hosting the Sunday Selfies each week, so faithfully and already for such a LONG time!!





Friday, May 20, 2022

Too Many Angels...

 Once again we have to post memorial cards for those who have left for the land called Rainbow Bridge...

First we have to apologize for not posting this Angel earlier...he was a friend of The Poupounette...


Then Jack, who was a friendly rescued Jackdaw, went to join his friend, Speedy.
And many former Catster members might remember Simone, a regal Meezer, who went to join her brofur River...at the ripe old age of 21...nevertheless she is sorely missed and her family have heavy hearts. They don't have a blog, but they do have an FB page. You can visit HERE.


Rest peacefully all you beautiful angels; you will all be forever loved and remembered.

We are joining Feline Friday's Blog Hop.


Sunday, May 15, 2022

Selfies ~ Some Nosey Ones!!

 Petcretary was the lone first guesser at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser Class...she guessed correctly, but wasn't first to put down her answer...that's OK, its still tons of good fun...and there is always lots of yummy food in their cafeteria!  Mmmm!

She got these 'badges':


Sadly this week we said goodby too two beloved furry ones...

If you still want to pay a visit and leave you message of comfort, you can do so by seeing THIS post.

We are in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. Thanks Kitties Blue for hosting each week!



Wednesday, May 11, 2022

More Angel Friends

Gus,  from Catscue

Max, you can see his Mom Gail Watson's Facebook page here, they do not have a blog, we knew them from our Dogster days.


We have no words other than sympathy for these families who recently have been putt into grief. We are in the Wordless Wednesday blog hop.


Sunday, May 8, 2022

Happy Mother's Day, 2022

We wish our petcretary...actually our 'Mom' a Happy Mother's Day, and we wish all Moms, Grandmas and all  mother figures a Happy Day, too!


Some of you may have seen this in the past, ita picture of Petcretary at about  6 months with her own Mom.
Dalton trying to give a subtle kiss...

Benji giving a lovey-dovey...and hoping to distract Petcretary form the computer, LOL!

                                                                           Happy Mother's Day!!


Join up with all the other Mother's Day Sunday Selfies by clicking on this caption, Thanks Kitties Blue for hosting each and every week!







Wednesday, May 4, 2022

In Memory Of Paula Gregg


Blogville has lost a beloved and important ,member, Paula Gregg. We send our condolences to her family, and her many friends.

Wordless Wednesday

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Yet Another Guest Sunday Selfie!

This week, we have yet another therapy pup to show off to you. She is a little more shy than Annie was, but she is a darling, too. A King Charles Spaniel; her name is Fable!

We had a few warm days, last weekend, and it made our weeping cherry tree explode into blossom, its so beautiful each spring. When its done, then the dogwood in front of it begins its show:)

Here are a few closeups of the blossoms; a lot might be gone tomorrow as its now quite windy and we are having rain and thunderstorms...then there will be a pink tinted 'snowy' covering on the grass!(You can see the fencing that is protecting the newly seeded and sprouuted grass, we want to keep the pups off of that for a good while yet.
This past Tuesday, petcretary was once again quick on the draw and she and 4 others were first to sit down at their desks for the Tuesday Teaser Class. She wasn't first with her answer though...LOL!

Yesterday April 30th, would have been MrJackFreckle's 20th birthday. How time does fly!

MJF   April 30, 2002 ~ Feb 5, 2018

Eastside Cats indicated that a friend of theirs had flown away to the Rainbow Bridge...so we made a memento for his peeps.


We are hopping over to the Sunday Selfies, hosted as always by the Kitties Blue at The Cat On my Head. We thank them for what they do each Sunday...and more on other days, too...and we love them all! You can join too, just click here and you can see all the other 'hoppers'!