Tuesday, May 28, 2019

We Had A Guest ~ Selfies Too!

First of all, it is(was) Memorial Day.

Petcretary had to work; it was her turn to work a holiday; they use a rotation so everyone gets some holidays off and works some of them as well. She'll have off on July 4th...
Anypaws we want to pause a  moment and think of the freedoms we have here, and why/how we DO have them. They sure do come at  a heavy price, and we want to thank all those who gave a lot more than just service, they gave their lives.
And huge thanks to those currently in harms way continuing the cause for freedom and peace.  And to their families for sharing their loved ones with us for such a noble cause.

Earlier this week, we had company from Canada here. Our Aunty came and she brought along a visitor...Eddie!
Us two kind of overwhelmed him a bit, we like to rough-house, and he isn't used to that...but we did have fun running after the tennis balls that petcretary and Aunty threw for us...but...um...only Eddie is good at returning them to be thrown again, BOL! We liked to chase him to try and snag that ball ourselves, tee-hee!

Eddie had fun outside cavorting with us, and he left lots of pee-mails for us to sniff and remember him by, BOL! Except well, it poured a few times since they left...so the messages are all washed away. Sigh...we hope he comes back to play with us again...or maybe we can go there? We hope so:)




We had to say a sad goodbye to Bibi...

We are joined up with the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by The Kitties Blue as they kindly do each week...and we are thankful for their dedication to this weekly fun feature.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Straw Hat Sunday Selfies On Tuesday

We were unable to celebrate Straw Hat Day on May 15th, for various reasons...but we did make some selfies in our straw hats...well, the pups did, I, Pipo was not in a mood for that...tee-hee...so I will post a flashback from earlier days, still in a hatless  (I hope...) mode, MOL!

Fly Free, Grumpy Cat

I am relaxing with my own Grumpy Cat

See the straw? I am in a straw basket for Straw Hat Day, MOL.MOL!!
Yikes! This *is* a hat, but OMC, not straw, petcretary; I purrtest...
This truly is not a scowl, I am in the bright sun...

And yesterday was Victoria Day, celebrated in Canada, where Petcretary comes from...some pictures to commemorate, even if we are late:

We made some more cards...

Miss Fitz

Finley's Birthday is tomorrow!
Or you can also visit here: KinleyWestie



We are hopping along with our hosts, The Kitties Blue

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Orange For Crockett ~ A Tribute BlogHop

Today we are wearing orange in honor and in memory of a very dear little friend, Crockett. (He was in the LoneStarCats Family.) He was recently called to the RB, after he suffered a tragic accident. His whole furmily is devastated, as you can well imagine.
Crockett was only 5 years old, and today would have been his Gotcha Day.
So we are celebrating in his eternal absence by wearing orange, he was an orange kitty, and also very well known for all his silliness, and of course everyone who knew him knows he had a tongue, which he displayed for all in many ways; in fact he was 'furmouse' for it!
So here are our Orange For Crockett offerings:
Feel free to take this 'card' if you wish...

Wearing Orange For Crockett Blog Hop

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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

In Memory Of Crockett

Dear precious Crockett met with a tragic accident on Monday.
Please go to his blog and offer your comfort, they are heartbroken as we here are too.
Crockett ~ Cherished Forever
Comments are closed here, so that you can to to his blog...here.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Happy Mother's Day ~ Selfie Trio

Petcretary is at work today, she is helping lots of others so they can have a nice memorable Mother's Day with their families.
So we got together and made her a card, kind of like a selfie trio!
We hope all the moms, grandmas and those who stand in for them are having a wonderful day!
Mother's are very special and we are glad there is a day to give them due honor, though we think they should be specially honored every day!
Happy Mother's Day! We love you, Petcretary!
We made a card, too:
Well, we think it has been boring around here...lots of rainy days, and petcretary working etc...but now its been nice and sunny...sometimes. Well, wouldn't you know it...its raining again...sigh...sheesh!
Pipo loves the sunpuddles to bask in, we love it too, but we think it makes all our digging efforts more fun, BOL!

We are Hopping in the Mother's Day Sunday Selfies Bloghop, hosted by the Kitties Blue. We thank them for all the many weeks  and years of doing this, and we love the Sunday Selfies:)