Monday, December 31, 2018

Last Selfie-Hop Of 2018! Selfies & Big News!!

Yup, it *is* the last day of 2018, and we are late with the Sunday Selfies...but here we are non-the-less; So of course there have to be selfies...
There sure was lots of goings on this year...and this past week was no exception!

Pipo had his 14th Birthday on the 26th. Sorry we didn't post about that on *his* day...petcretary was loaded up with all kinds of things since she had to work on Christmas Day...we did get a few pics, though:)

And petcretary even made a simple card for him:

And Petcretary didn't forget about hoping for a good time in 2019 selfie:)
Its taking a long time, but slowly she is learning this Gimp(Which makes her limp...) program. It took her two days to make one card for someone else...sheesh! MOL! So still, sometimes she cheats and goes to that online site, Tee-Hee!

Most of you already have heard the sad news that Tommy from the Poupounette Gang went to live in petcretary worked really hard and learned lots of things about the gimp program and made this card for his memory.
There were other special days, too.

And though its no longer Sunday...we still have some very newsworthy selfies to show you:
Please let me out of here(Humane Society Of SouthwestMichigan)
My name is Benji and they *did* let me out, but now I am a wee bit scared...will those peeps like me, and how about that doggy they took along?

Yes!! They did like me!
In fact I think they all love me:)
This house/bed is way more comfy than the one I had to use at the shelter...ahhh....

HI! I am Benji!

I am still a puppy, of about 61/2 months old...
I see 'chaseables' out there! WOOFS!

Dalton: I think I will have fun with my new brofur...Benji:I hope we can play and romp all the day long!
We went on a long walk, but it sure was bitterly cold and windy so we had to wear our jackets. I, Benji, am quite skinny and feel the cold a lot right now...

My 'On a cold walk selfie'.
We are hopping along with the Kitties Blue, the kind hosts of this weekly feature.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

ChristmasDay ~ Our Cards

Its Christmas!! Merry Christmas to all! May your day be blessed and may you find peace in your hearts, and happiness to last all the way to next Christmas and more.
We at this den try to keep the real and true meaning of this day close in our hearts and minds, as it is the celebration of the birth of our dear Savior, Jesus. The Light of the World and the true bringer of peace and good will to all. May it be so for our friends, wherever you may be.
We send purrs, waggles and hugs too:)

Anypaws, we have received many cards by snail mail...and petcretary somehow hasn't thought to make a collective picture of those...but thank you very much for all of them! We furs here, got way more than the peeps did, MOL/BOL! It seems this is the way it goes each year!!

We also got many cards by email. Thanks also for those! And several Christmas greetings and well wishes with no cards, but it is always good to hear and feel the love from our friends, no matter how:)

So we are going to show you the ecards. These are not in any particular order. There were a few we were not able to download or make screenshots of...sorry. So if we missed displaying yours...once again our was not our intention to omit yours...
We'll start with our card to all of you, though most of you have already seen it. If not, feel free to take it! (Sorry we did not provide links to the various senders...)

We hope you all had a most wonderful day...and now that we are so late, it has become Dec 26th...Boxing Day! And it is special in other ways, too...we will post about that later...