Sunday, June 28, 2020

Getting Ready...For Special Days

Yup, we are getting ready to celebrate some important days here in our den.
Firstly, on July First it is Canada Day.
Petcretary hails from Canada, and us pups have been there too, on visits. Our Auntie has a pup too, and we have met and romped with him, Eddie, both here and at his den.
Anypaws, Eddie felt it necessary to send us a selfie with some of the beautiful patio flowers that he helps Auntie to grow.
Then on Saturday, it will be The Fourth of July...Independence day! Petcretary has to work that day, so we will have to help pawppy have a burger or something else yummy to celebrate, BOL/MOL!
The big airshow and balloon festival held each year here, are cancelled due to the stupid Corona Virus...and also the fireworks. Perhaps the peeps across the street might still put on their annual we will hunker down indoors to avoid all the racket.

Maybe we will be able to have some celebratory pictures for you, next time...meanwhile, Eddie will be our guest selfie this week.

Eddie, Our Canadian Cousin

We made some other cards, too...
Mietzi, a former Catster friend, amazingly she just turned 19!! She doesn't have a blog, but she is here on FB.

Katie from Glogirly recently became an angel kitty...
We sent these both to Katie'sFamily...(Glogirly), cause we couldn't decide which one we liked better...

We are hopping in the Sunday Selfies blog hop, along with many others at The Kitties Blue.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Happy Father's Day, 2020

We made a card for our Pawppy, we love him!!
Have a great day, Pawppy!

We hope all the Daddy's, Grandpas and all the other father figures will enjoy their special day.
These are our selfies for this week, and we even had our ties on, cause Pawppy sure is special! But, we wonder where his tie is??

Sister Zoe from Brian's Home had to make her way to the Rainbow here is a memento/card we made for her family.
We are joining the Father's Day Selfie Blog Hop, hosted by The Kitties Blue

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Simple Sunday Selfies

We are keeping things simple this week! And rather short too:)

We are glad and very thankful that we escaped the bad storm(s) that smashed into Battle Creek midweek, the worst being on June 10th. Many still do not have power restored, and it is a huge mess of downed trees and powerlines, also transformers were damaged. Some cars got smashed by the trees and homes as well. A lot of stores are closed. Sheesh, first the corona mess, then protests and upheavals and now this natural mess. There were winds of 70 to 80 MPH, that is hurricane force. Many of the peeps who work with petcretary do not have power, they are roughing it, and meanwhile their freezers and fridges are sad...
We did not lose our power, but just north of here they did, and south of us is where the worst damage is.
We did lose some big branches and countless smaller ones. No trees fell on our back fence, where our 'woods' are.
Strange phenomena: Several hours before this storm, D & B were going nutszo near the base of a tree. I called them off of whatever they were trying to get at, and they were temporarily locked in the house...when petcretary investigated, it was a huge crayfish. How and why it got into our yard is a mystery, and the creek is quite a distance from our yard. Well, *she* got it on a shovel and placed it on the safe side of the fence, and hoped that it would find its way back to the creek area. (And no, it did not pinch anyone...though it was trying to be ferocious!)

So finally, here we are:
I was studying some bit of bug on the floor, when I was disturbed...

You need me for something, Petcretary?

Bwhahahaha, she said could I please take a selfie!! Sure...whatever...MOL!

Serious little Dalton...

Benji's latest habit is to find any reachable towels in the bathroom and teach them a lesson or two, which means he takes them outside and rips them up...Hmmm, not very acceptable, dude!
Innocent babyfaced Benji

On Tuesdays, there is a fun blog event each week, at Teddy's  (Two Spoiled Cats) blog. Teaser Tuesday. Sometimes Miss Pam gives a mystery picture to find out where it was, and sometimes she uses guest pictures sent in by Teddy's pals.
So this past Tuesday, petcretary got this badge for sending in her picture.

It was taken by her cousin who lives not too far from the location.
The Deventer Water Tower, ca1892, (In The Netherlands.)
Nobody was able to guess the location, though a few did think it was a water tower.Here is a link to the post, Tuesday Teaser.  And here is the link to 'The Teaser Tell All'.

We all need to send our thoughts, pawyers, purrs and good wishes to Dakota and to Cody as well...and further, also to Dougie Dog. There are links to visit their blogs under their images.


And we also had to say farewell to Harvey, a precious kitty well known and deeply loved by many, from Dash Kitten (Marjorie Dawson).

We are hopping along with all the other selfies, @ The Kitties Blue. Thanks for always hosting this fun feature!

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Summery Blooms & Sunday Selfies From Benji's Birthday

We have some selfies to show you from Benji's special day on 6.6.2020.
Firstly the shrubs and flowers decided to blossom forth with delight that it was hot, and that the rains had given them energy to make pretty blooms for us all to enjoy. So they too made selfies, in honor of Benji's Birthday and 'just because'!

By the way, Mr Possum did not show up in the yard to crash our festivities, but a rather large garden snake did...petcretary shooed it away before the hooligan team discovered it...she herself has no fear of snakes around here, and she likes the fact that they do help keep varmints to a minimum, esp those that try to come in the house, or those that Benji sniffs under the grass and then digs big caverns to try to get them. Neither one of them allowed a selfie...
Benji did it the place where *she* had just transplanted some oak seedlings. (She always digs those up and replants them in the woodsy are to hopefully make it more wild creature friendly, at least in the canopy, cause the fence keeps big ones out, like the deer.

Just a small part of a large snowball shrub. Does anyone know the botanical name for this plant??

Two Snowballs ~ Celebrating Benji's second Birthday!
Creamy White irises...planted by some family eons ago...they have been here for over 40 years, now...

Some other Irises, also here for several generations.
But of course we have some 'traditional' purple ones!
Bleeding heart
Wild columbine, self seeded, in other words a volunteer plant. We have them all over and they are dainty and pretty!
A cultivated columbine
A pretty plant...Benji squashed it when he jumped over the fencing to get at some critter...alas and sheesh:(

Pipo in the sun!

Kind of fuzzy, cause it was a 'zoom' picture, he didn't even realize he was in the lens zone, MOL!

Benji had his second birthday on June 6th
Oh, brother... more pictures...BOL!

Sent to Benji from a Facebook group

Benji turned 2 on 6-6-2020

Dalton woofed he would help Benji get rid of the headgear, BOL!

We have joined with The Kitties Blue, and YOU can too!