Sunday, April 26, 2020

Guest Selfie In The Water

When I was out walking by the creek not too far from our home, I spotted this creature. He/She wanted to give a social distanced selfie from within the waters.
I think it is a muskrat, though at first I thought it might have been a beaver. But there are not felled trees that look 'beaverized' and in some pictures his tail is not wide and flat. He was just minding his own business, but he stopped just long enough before swimming quickly under the surface and then I didn't see him anymore. He must have magical disappearing qualities:)
So here are a series of pictures, I shall name them Muskie Ratty's Sunday Selfie Extraordinaire!
Hi, I am Muskie Ratty!
My thick tail made *her* think I was a!
I am being a wee bit bashful, Tee-hee!
So you want me to make a selfie?? Hmmm...

Muskie Ratty ~ Selfie Extraordinaire!

Ok, That's Enough...Bye!
Some good furends' peeps need our pawyers and POTP:
Sherri Ellen is not feeling good at all this past week

Terry from Brian's Home

Sadly we had to say our final goodbye's to a few more kitties, recently.



We are hopping with The Kitties Blue, who are the faithful  hosts of this fun weekly event.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Sunday Selfies: The Most Fun For All During Quarantine Times...

Yes it really is, cause its a bright spot for each of us pawticipants and our peeps...and its fun too! Thanks, Kitties Blue for always being so faithful to be the hosts of this weekly Blog Hop. We love it...and we love you too:)
And we love and appawsiate all our furends!

Not much new to report on this gets pretty boring when everyone is at home all the days. Though Petcretary does leave betimes to go to her job at the nursing home. And pawppy, being in management at his work, is now going to his office once a week. He says there isn't anyone there, unless those who deal with emergencies within the city's infrastructure have to show up to clear up whatever troubles there might be. They did have to come in for a bit to deal with the snow we had on Friday morning...yup, snow on April 17th. Go figure.
Now its all gone, the three inches we had.
But it did not look so good on all the spring flowers...and the poor weeping cherry would have blossomed if it had not gotten so cold and snowy. It was covered. Today its warmer and just maybe there is hope for it to put on a show. We hope so.
The daffs are OK, but the bluebells are looking rather flattened...sigh...

Last night, petcretary got up from her desk to get ready for bed...and she nearly stepped on a very wet and dead mouse! Eeuuwww! Benji. Yes, in the morning she could see where he had dug out yet another trench to capture the poor beastie...
Pawppy remarked he thought it was kitties who brought 'presents' for their peeps, not doggies....but Benji must be the stand-in for Pipo, MOL/BOL!
Nope, no pics...TMI!
Snow covered Weeping Cherry tree. The snow is just starting, its heavy and wet.

Where are those pretty buds, now?

Oh, they are buried...

Trees in the neighbor's yard.
A hungry and cold sparrow...


Another sparrow

I am trying to nap on that snowy day...

Even in the sun puddle she wakes me up...

Saturday, (4/18), the day after all this snow fell, well the sun was glorious and  spring seems imminent once again. Hooray!
Weeping Cherry Tree, April 18th, 2020
 The buds are soon going to be very pretty blossoms!

Sorry that some of those pictures are fuzzy, it was very windy and hard to get a good focus...
The daffs survived all the cold and snow!

Even the Downy Woodpecker is grateful for his meal in the sunbeams, so he posed for a selfie!

Please join all the others in The Sunday Selfies Blog-Hop

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter!

Hooray, Its Easter!Hallelujah! No bunnies in our yard, just squirrels, but somehow we don't think they carry baskets...Hah! There were no community Easter Egg hunts, which is an annual event with many local venues. Hard to have a virtual egg hunt... We think some families with young children maybe did have their own hunting games. There sure were a lot of left over baskets in the stores...we think the priorities of many families is not the usual routine...we feel badly for those affected by the economic hardships that so many have to bear due to all the quarantine rules. And the Gov of our state, just put down even stricter even garden centers and paint other construction businesses cannot be open. (among other junk....sheesh...)How on earth will peeps be able to do anything at their homes if they cannot get the supplies they need to do them. There are going to be lots of places with unsightly lawns, the contractors that do that work have been told they may not. Sheesh. Hope we can do our own lawn mowing with no issues with the least we CAN get gas to make it run...its a very thirsty machine when it does the work over our acre of growing grass and weeds. We will likely mow it for the first time later this week...its getting shaggy here and there...and the dandelions are getting into bloom mode. Now the grocery stores are limiting the number of peeps in their stores, and we have to walk the aisles in one direction only. Weird...and they have to block sections off in there that fall under those newer restrictions on what peeps can buy. Petcretary walked past the garden section of our local super store, (not Wally World...), and there was a sign on a patio table: 'We know these will look good at your home, but we are not allowed to sell it to you at this time.' OMC/OMD! Well, masked bandits are everywhere you look, including our peeps when they leave the den...gloves too, if they are available. Signs of the times! We hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and at home as much as possible. And we hope you all had a nice Easter...or what ever holiday you celebrated.
As seen in the previous two posts, we made some cards this past week:
Marg celebrated her Birthday on April 9th.
Iza from Mark'sMews became an Angel Kitty on April 10th
Easter Sunday Selfies! Join the Hop at the Kitties Blue!